Enhancing Peace through Climate Action
CGIAR FOCUS Climate Security is exploring the climate’s interactions with the root causes of insecurity, instability and human mobility: where, how, and for whom.
Despite significant investments in humanitarian, development, and peace operations, a critical gap remains—the recognition of the intrinsic link between climate, food security, and peace in global policies.
CGIAR FOCUS Climate Security fills this vital gap by aligning humanitarian, peacebuilding and climate resilience objectives through research on food, land and water systems to inform the design of conflict-sensitive and peace responsive climate adaptation interventions and climate sensitive humanitarian and peace operations.
Thanks to our research and advocacy efforts, identifying and addressing climate security risks have now landed at the top of national, regional, and pan-African policy agendas.
In the past few years, our research has informed:
- the African Union Africa Climate Risk Assessment report ;
- IGAD-CAEP Regional Adaptation Strategy ;
- the launch of a new Climate Smart Agriculture Multi-stakeholders’ platform in the Laikipia county in Kenya ;
- Zambia’s Green Growth Strategy;
- the upcoming Kenya’s National Climate Change Adaptation Plan, the CCAD Regional Strategy on Climate Change (ERCC), and much more.
- We produce mixed-method, cutting-edge research on the Climate, Food, Land, and Water Systems, Conflict, and Fragility Nexus.
- We contribute to the planning of timely emergency food security interventions.
- We develop tools and methodologies for implementing peace-positive food, land, and water systems transformations across the climate, conflict, fragility, and displacement nexus.
- We carry out policy and governance analyses and advocate for mainstreaming peace and security into key policies and programs.
- We contribute to United Nations conventions, frameworks, conferences, and approaches to building climate-resilient livelihoods in conflict-affected areas.
- We use our research to transform climate adaptation into an instrument for peace: the Climate Smart Agricultural Villages Plus (CSV+) approach.
- We help de-risk climate adaptation investments in high-risk areas.
- We help integrate climate and peace into social protection approaches and across the humanitarian-development-peace (HDP) nexus.
- We help localize and de-colonize research through the Climate, Peace, and Displacement Partnership .
To bridge knowledge gaps about how climate influences root causes of conflict, fragility, and human mobility, where this is happening, and for whom amidst the world’s vulnerable communities and what solutions can be co-designed to bridge the HDP nexus.
Our research concentrates on four pivotal areas:

Unraveling the complexities of climate and human security to inform strategic decision-making.

Developing climate and conflict sensitive operations for millions of beneficiaries along the HDP nexus.

Leveraging climate finance for fragile and conflict settings by de-risking local and global climate investments.

Improving the coherence of national policies and governance processes across the climate security nexus.